Website Identity (IP)
This ID belongs to the following entities: SMARTS, the Laboratory of Applied Philosophy of the University of Athens, HSTECH and PICK-N-ROLL.
The organization complies with the national and European regulatory framework for the protection of personal data (General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 GDPR of the EU)
Terms of use
The use of this IP is subject to the terms listed below. The use of IP is a presumption that the visitor-user has studied, understood and accepted all terms of use of the IP. In the event that the visitor-user does not agree with the terms of use hereof, he must not use the services and content of the IP.
These Terms of Use may be reviewed and updated at any time and without notice. Please check periodically the terms of use of the IP as its continued use implies that you accept these changes.
Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright)
All content of the IP, other than explicit exceptions (third party copyrights), which – by way of example – includes texts, graphics, pictures, pictures, videos, sounds etc. (hereinafter referred to as “content”) are intellectual property, trademarks and service marks owner of this IP and, where applicable, of the Greek State and is protected by applicable national, Community and international law.
The Municipality retains all intellectual property rights and title deeds in respect of the content, all copies created under it, as well as all intellectual property rights and other property rights pertaining to it.
IP content is available to visitors / users for personal use. Content is subject to change without notice at the discretion of the IP administrator. Once the terms of use are accepted, non-commercial use and reproduction may be permitted, in whole or in part, provided that the reproduced product is then freely available via the Internet or other appropriate means and is accompanied by a clear and distinct reference to the source of origin of. Any other use requires the express written permission of the owner or copyright owner.
Other products or services listed on the electronic pages of this IP that bear the trademarks of their respective organizations, companies, affiliates, associations or publishers are their own intellectual and industrial property and are therefore responsible for this.
For any question about the playback rights of any part of the content of this IP, as well as for content licensing requests, you can contact
The management and protection of the personal data of the visitor / user of the IP is subject to the terms of this notice as well as to the national, community and international law relating to the protection of individuals from the management of personal data, as applicable.
Any future relevant regulation will be the subject of this Communication. In any case, the administrator reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data, in accordance with the relevant applicable legal framework.
Consequently, these privacy terms may be reviewed and updated at any time and without notice. Users of the IP are requested to periodically review these terms for any changes, as the continued use of IP means that they accept all possible modifications.
The administrator of the IP collects personal information of its visitors / users only when they voluntarily provide them. Personal information is the information that can be used to identify or communicate with a person and other information about that person.
The IM administrator will not offer for sale or otherwise transfer or disclose personal data of the visitors / users of the IP to third parties not related to him / herself (the administrator of the IP) without the consent of the visitor / user, with the exception of the application relevant legal dictates and to the competent authorities alone.
The administrator can process part or all of the data sent by the visitors / users for statistical purposes and to improve the information services provided.
The visitor / user may contact the administrator of the IP to cross-check the existence of the file, correct it, change it or delete it.
This IP includes links to other sites under the responsibility of third parties (natural or legal persons). Under no circumstances is the IP manager responsible for the privacy policy that these sites follow.
What rights do you have in your data?
If you have created an account with this IP or have left comments, you may request that you receive an export file of personal data we hold for you, including any data you have provided to us. You may also ask to delete the personal data we hold for you. This does not include data that we are required to keep for administrative, legal or security reasons. Your rights are as follows:
- Recall Consent
- Access request
- Correction of personal data
- Delete personal data
- Restrict the processing of personal data
- Request personal data portability
- Denial of the processing of personal data
- Request for automated decision making and profile creation
Use of interactive areas
The IP administrator has the ability to provide communication forms, bulletin boards and other interactive areas to the IP. Using one of the interaction areas means that the visitor / user bears sole responsibility for the communication they make and the consequences resulting from the publication of this communication.
The visitor / user accepts and undertakes not to do the following:
- use an area of interaction for any purpose in violation of applicable law,
- publishing material that violates third-party copyrights or third party privacy or disclosure rights,
- the publication of material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, disturbing, abusive, or material that causes dissatisfaction with third parties (natural or legal persons) as determined by the administrator of the IP, at its sole discretion,
- publishing material that includes “viruses”, “malicious” code that can damage or destroy the files or programs of the administrator of the user or its users,
- publishing advertisements or other commercial material,
- misrepresentation of his / her identity,
- any other action that restricts or prevents any other person from using the interaction areas and, in general, the IP or an action that, at the discretion of the IP administrator, exposes himself / herself or one of its users to legal liabilities or situations that are detrimental to them.
We use small text files called cookies that are necessary to organize and improve the user experience you receive from the IP. These files may recognize you uniquely every time you visit our site. You can easily delete them from your browser by following each manufacturer’s instructions. For each new visitor we show a special warning at the bottom of the page that we use cookies.
Traffic analysis services
We use IP Traffic Analysis Services, which record and store data for your visits according to the individual privacy policy they publish. Ask us which services we use each time to be able to ask for more information. We do not use these services to recognize you in a unique way, but only to have an overview of general data on the extent and the rate of visits of all visitors to our site.
Limitation of Liability of the Municipality – Disclaimer
The content of the IP is made available “as is” and the City does not provide any warranty, whether express or implied, regarding the completeness, correctness, timeliness, commerciality, non-infringement or suitability of this content for any use, application or purpose.
The Municipality, under any circumstances, including negligence, is not responsible for any form of damage to the visitor / user of the pages, services, choices and contents of the IP that he / she makes on his / her own initiative and with the knowledge of these terms. Also, the Municipality does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors, that the errors will be corrected or that all the queries will be answered. Similarly, the Municipality does not guarantee that the IP or any other related site or servers through which the content is made available to visitors / users is provided without “viruses” or other harmful components. The cost of possible corrections or services is assumed by the visitor / user and by no means the Municipality.
Using Links to Third Party Sites (links)
The IP provides access to third party websites through appropriate links. These links are intended solely for the convenience of visitors / users of the IP, while the sites to which they refer are subject to the respective terms of use of these sites. The placement of the links is not a sign of approval or acceptance of the contents of the respective websites by the administrator of the IP, who is not responsible for their content nor for the privacy practices or the accuracy of the materials available to them. If the visitor / user of the IP decides to use one of the third party sites through its links, it accepts that it does so on its own responsibility.
Applicable law and other terms
The above terms and conditions of use of the IP, as well as any modification, alteration or alteration thereof, are governed by and supplemented by national law, Community law and relevant international treaties. Any provision of these terms found to be in breach of the above legal framework or to become invalid shall be automatically void and shall be withdrawn from the present, without in any way undermining the validity of the other terms. This is the overall agreement between the administrator of the IP and the visitor / user of its pages and services and is binding only on them. No change to these terms will be taken into account and will not form part of this agreement unless it has been drafted in writing and has not been incorporated into it.
It is hereby expressly agreed that the visitor / user of the IP agrees to be subject to any claims, disagreements or other disputes relating to or arising out of the application of these terms and the general use of the IP by him, if not resolved in a friendly manner, to jurisdiction of the courts.
If you have any problems with legal or moral issues in the node, especially regarding its reproduction and the use of intellectual property rights, and for any other matter, please e-mail us at